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National Natural Science Foundation project: the optimization method based on the granularity model 3D GIS in data management and real-time visualization in data organization


The optimization method based on the granularity model 3D GIS in data management and real-time visualization in dataorganization

Project number: 41201413

Main content of the research:

With the development of geospatial data acquisition technology and three-dimensional geographic information system , the data concerned geometry and texture of three-dimensional geographical environment model grows exponentially. However, the popular PC machine with limited CPU/ GPU processing power, storage space, limited transmission speed and bandwidth makes real-time application environment model with large-scale three-dimensional geographic data very difficult. This application is based on the three-dimensional GIS data, differences between the granularity of the storage structure and rendering tasks to study thelarge-scale three-dimensional GIS data organization management andreal-time rendering core issues. We use granularities to combine spatial data, storage hardware and real-time processing tasks organically. It will provide new and effective methods for the real-time applications of the three-dimensional spatial data.

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