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Our instituite students have been awarded the network new media excellent works Award


Recently, announced the results of the 6th National CollegeHonest Goverment Cultural Works Collection and Honest Education Series Activities, and the micro-film created by undergraduates of the Institute of Educational Information Technology and the micro-film "Wang Yining, Wang Rui, Zhang Zhining, Huang Huiqing" has won the award of outstanding works of new media. The film is called  The sentiment of clear water .

The sentiment of clear water takes the friendship and misunderstanding between the scholar Lianjie and his neighbor's eldest brother as the clue, tells the story of Lianjie's persistence in the ideal of Honest goverment when he was faced with temptation to officialdom .This work spreads and builds an honest government atmosphere in the university campus in the form of new media, which has made a beneficial attempt to innovate the construction of clean government culture in our university.

It is learnt that this activity is sponsored by the Department of Ideological and Political Work of the Ministry of Education, with the theme of "stressing self-cultivation, morality, honesty and shame". College students from different regions of the country compete on the same platform. It has effectively promoted the creation and dissemination of cultural works of honest government in Colleges and universities, promoted the study and publicity of honest knowledge, It also plays a good role in advocate teachers and students to abide by the law, uphold honesty and morality, cultivate and practice the socialist core values.

In order to further promote the construction of honest government culture and honest education, the school launched a series of activities on collecting honest government cultural works and honest education in the second half of 2017. The Party Committee of the Institute of Educational Information Technology attaches great importance to it and implements in-depth the project about integration of Ideological and political education in Party building and personnel training. Teachers Zhao Xiaoxiong, Ouyang Hongjie and Chen Di directed the students to create the micro-film The sentiment of clear water, which was recommended to the Ministry of Education by the School Discipline Inspection Commission and the School Youth League Committee. Finally won the award of outstanding works of new media. Only 18 entries were awarded the prize.

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