PGP is developed by NERCEL, which is a student-oriented platform. Based onmultimedia classroom configuration, especially electronic whiteboards, NERCELstarts PanGu plan. PGP lays emphasis on the modernization of teaching contentand teaching method, updating teaching concepts and promoting students’ activelearning and independent learning by using information means .PGP realizestechnical and concept innovation in the following aspects:Combine varioustypes of resources;Realize theassociation and reference between teaching content;Create a varietyof teaching modes;Lay emphasis onclassroom presentation and explanation;Provide uniqueand novel teaching activities;Record and savethe teaching process automatically;Provide openinstructional design platform;PGP provides easycourseware production tools, realizing re-organization and re-creation ofteaching resources;PGP supportingresources includes office, pictures, animation, Web, video and audio, PDF and3D. What’s more, it includes paper editing tools;2 design ofteaching processThe PGP includescourses, teaching activities and teaching resources.

Figure1 design of teachingprocess 3 variousteaching methodThe PGP providesvarious teaching methods to satisfy different teaching style for teachers andalso satisfy different need of instructional design.

Figure2 writing, calculating andreasoning

Figure3 associated teaching based onPPT

Figure4 associated teaching basedon PPT and whiteboards

Figure5 activity monitoring and theme
4 teaching modebased on dual-track showThe teaching modeshows teaching contents in dual-screen form under the guidance of dual codingtheory and multi-media teaching theory. The platform can solve thedisadvantages in PPT teaching, for example, play in order, the lack ofassociation and not taking notes. And the platform can provide various teachingresources at the same time. 5 learning traditional teaching advantagesPGP keeps traditional teaching advantages and combines advancedcomputer technology, realizing the perfect combination of traditionalblackboards and electronic whiteboards.6 diverse classroom interactionsPGP provides two kinds of interaction that includes RP and network;PGP can automatically analyze interactive data.7 open teaching resourcesTeachingresources provide rich resources and convenient tools for courseware productionand classroom teaching.Teachingresources include public resources and discipline resources.