2017年6月-至今 :华中师范大学,国家数字化学习工程技术研究中心
2016年2月-至今 :Optik (SCI, IF0.835),栏目编辑(Section Editor)
015年9月-2017年6月 :都柏林大学(UCD,Ireland),爱尔兰Insight国家大数据分析中心,博士后研究员
[1]Cailbhe Doherty*,Liang Zhao*,John Ryan, Yusuke Komaba, Akihiro Inomata, and Brian Caulfield, “Concussion is associated with altered preparatory postural adjustments during gait initiation,”Human movement science52,160-169(2017) (通信作者).
[2]Inbarasan Muniraj, Changliang Guo, Ra'edA.Malallah,Liang Zhao, Derek Cassidy, James Ryle, JohnJ.Healy, and JohnT.Sheridan,“The choice of optical system is critical for the security of double random phase encryption systems,”Opt. Eng.56(6), 063103(2017).
[3]Liang Zhao, John T. Sheridan*, and John J. Healy, “Unitary algorithm for non-separable linear canonical transforms applied to iterative phase retrieval,”IEEE Sig. Proc. Letters24(6), 814-817 (2017).
[4]Cailbhe Doherty*,Liang Zhao*,John Ryan, Yusuke Komaba, Akihiro Inomata, and Brian Caulfield, “Quantification of postural control deficits in patients withrecentconcussion: an inertial-sensor based approach,”ClinicalBiomechanics42, 79-84 (2017)(通信作者).
[5]Liang Zhao,Yang Wu, Damien P. Kelly*,and John T. Sheridan*,“Iterative reconstruction of digital holograms from three intensity measurements,”Opt. Eng.55(3), 033106(2016).
[6]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Thelinearcanonicaltransformand its discrete calculation,”AsianJournal ofPhysics25(1), 1-33 (2016).
[7]Yang Wu*, Matthias Hillenbrand,Liang Zhao,Stefan Sinzinger, and Damien P. Kelly,“Fresnel transform as a projection onto aNijboerZernike basis set,” Opt. Lett.40(15), 3472-3475(2015).
[8]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Constrains on the 1Dadditivediscretelinearcanonicaltransform,”Appl. Opt.54(33),9960-9965(2015).
[9]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Two-dimensional non-separable linear canonical transform-sampling theorem and unitary discretization,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A31(12),2631-2641(2014).
[10]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Unitary discrete Linear Canonical Transform: analysis and application,” Appl. Opt.52(7),C30-C36 (2013).
[11]袁长迎*;刘先勇;蒙瑰;赵亮, “光声池径向共振模式耦合系数理论分析,”光谱学与光谱分析30(4),879-882 (2010).
[12]赵亮*;刘先勇;袁长迎;李驹光;蒙瑰, “微弱信号调理电路的设计及研究,”西南科技大学学报25(1), 64-67, 84 (2010).
[13]严建锁*;李少甫;刘先勇;王渊;赵亮, “光声检测用半导体激光器温度控制电路,”西南科技大学学报25(1), 60-63 (2010).
[1]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy,Yang Wu,Inbarasan Muniraj, Ra’edA.Malallah, Damien P. Kelly*,and John T. Sheridan*, “Reconstruction of digital holograms by iterative phase retrieval algorithm: Improvements and analysis,” inOSADigital Holography & 3-D Imaging Conference,Jeju Ireland, South Korea,W2A.24,2017.
[2]Damien P. Kelly, James Ryle,Liang Zhao,andJohn T. Sheridan,“Measuring optical phase digitally in coherent metrology systems,”in SPIEDefense+Commercial SensingConference,Anaheim,California, United States,Proc.ofSPIE10220, Dimensional Optical Metrology and Inspection for Practical Applications VI, 102200B, 2017.
[3]Liang Zhao*, Inbarasan Muniraj,John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan, “2D Non-separable Linear Canonical Transformbased cryptography,” SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic,Proc. of SPIE10233,Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, 102331B, 2017.
[4]Liang Zhao*, John J. Healy, Inbarasan Muniraj,and John T. Sheridan, “Constraints to solve parallelogram grid problems in 2D non separable linear canonical transform,” in SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic,Proc. of SPIE10233,Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, 102331V,2017.
[5]Ra'ed A. Malallah, Derek J. Cassidy, Inbarasan Muniraj,Liang Zhao, James Ryle,andJohn T. Sheridan,“Investigating nonlinear distortion in the photopolymer materials,” in SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic,Proc. of SPIE10228,Nonlinear Optics and Applications X, 1022805,2017.
[6]Min Wan, Inbarasan Muniraj, Ra'ed A. Malallah,Liang Zhao, James P. Ryle, Lu Rong, John J. Healy, Dayong Wang,andJohn T. Sheridan,“Sparsity based Terahertz reflective off-axis digital holography,” SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics Conference, Prague, Czech Republic,Proc. of SPIE10233,Holography: Advances and Modern Trends V, 102330T, 2017.
[7]Cailbhe Doherty, Brian Caulfield,John Ryan, Yusuke Komaba, Akihiro Inomata, andLiang Zhao, “Quantification of postural control deficits in patients withrecentconcussion: an inertial-sensor based approach,”British Journal of Sports Medicine,51(11),A8-A9(2017);
[8]Cailbhe Doherty, John Ryan, Yusuke Komaba, Akihiro Inomata,Liang Zhao,and Brian Caulfield, “Concussion is associated with altered preparatory postural adjustments during gait initiation,”British Journal of Sports Medicine,51(11),A49(2017).
[9]Liang Zhao, Inbarasan Muniraj, John J. Healy, and JohnT. Sheridan*, “Sampling rate chosen to ensure unitary and additive properties for the 2D Non-separable linear canonical transform,” in OSA Frontiers in Optics2015Conference, San Jose, United States,OSA Technical Digest (OSA 2015), paperFTh4D.7,2015.
[10]Liang Zhao, Yang Wu,Chang-Liang Guo,Damien P. Kelly,and John T. Sheridan*,“Reconstruction of digital holograms from three intensity measurements,”inSPIE Optics & PhotonicsConference, San Diego, California, United States,Proc. of SPIE9599,2015.
[11]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy,Chang-Liang Guo,and John T. Sheridan*, “Additive discrete 1D linear canonical transform,”inSPIE Optics & PhotonicsConference, San Diego, California, United States,Proc. of SPIE9599,2015.
[12]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and JohnT. Sheridan*, “Fast algorithms for some particular paraxial images,” in Photonics Ireland 2015 Conference, Cork, Ireland, 2015.
[13]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Unitary implementation of the discrete 2D non-separablelinearcanonicaltransform,” in SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference, San Diego, California, United States, Proc. of SPIE9216,2014.
[14]Liang Zhao, John J. Healy, and John T. Sheridan*, “Sampling of the two dimensional non-separable linear canonical transform,” in SPIE Photonics Europe Conference, Brussels, Belgium, Proc. of SPIE9131, 2014.
[15]John T. Sheridan*,Liang Zhao, and John J. Healy, “The condition number and first order optical systems,” inOSA Imaging and Applied Optics Conference, Monterey, California, United States, 2012 OSA Technical Digest, paperITu3C.4, 2012.
专利名称 :“跟踪光声池共振频率的装置及方法”
发明人 :刘先勇;赵亮;王寿全;乐莉;余玉江;袁长迎;胡文;李俊国